Learn how to read and pronounce Korean alphabet in 33 days
Korean alphabet - Hangul - is one of the easiest alphabets to learn because of its scientific design. But if you don't know the principles, it takes far more than it should take.
Ryan Lee | 이훈석
Founder of 33dkc
video lessons
out of 5 stars
days long
video lessons
coach's feedback
live events
self quizzes
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"You forget you are learning because it's fun."
Janessa LoGalbo
Florida, United States
Hangul student on March 2023
Day 1
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Day 2
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Day 3
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Day 4
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Day 5
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Day 6
쓰기 1
Day 7
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Day 8
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Day 9
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Day 10
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Day 11
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Day 12
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Day 13
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Day 14
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Day 15
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Day 16
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Day 17
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Day 18
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Day 19
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Day 20
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Day 21
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Day 22
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Day 23
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Day 24
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Day 25
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Day 26
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Day 27
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Day 28
악 앜 앆
Day 29
앋 앝 앗 았 앚 앛 앟
Day 30
압 앞
Day 31
안 암 알 앙
Day 32
넋 곣 읊 없
Day 33
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We'll let you know when the enrollment opens
out of 5 stars
Janessa LoGalbo
Florida (US)
April 14, 2023
Ryan is hilarious! I think I laughed along with him for the last 33 days during his lessons. They are easy to follow and his encouragement to repeat after him really helped it all to stick. You forget you are learning because it’s fun. And with Alo and Mia supporting us it’s a safe place to really let yourself learn in a fun environment.
Elyse Gentry
April 14, 2023
I would look forward to doing my lesson every day! All of the lessons were broken down in an easy and fluid way that it was easy to see how each lesson built upon the previous.
Ashlynn Moses
March 3, 2023
I was a but worried that I wouldn't be able to finish the challenge, but the videos were short, simple, and easy to understand. The videos would sometimes be funny which made it fun to learn!
Katie McCoy
Boston, MA, USA
March 3, 2023
Ryan's videos were so great! His descriptions & demonstrations of the mouth and tongue shape for each letter really helped me learn the proper pronunciation. I'm excited to continue on with the next challenge!
Molly Baker
March 3, 2023
They were very informative and funny. Ryan's way of teaching, with his jokes and all, really stuck to my brain. It was good that I took this class as i believe it helped to strengthen my speech.